Frequently asked questions.

  • Check-in at the hotel is from 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and check-out is possible until 9:30 a.m.

  • The applied amounts and percentages are to be paid by the guest.

    Special conditions are prior to the main cancellation conditions when applied.

    Main conditions and policy (individual booking)

    • Less than 48 hours before date of arrival: first night

    Special conditions (groups*)

    • Between 7 and 0 day(s) before arrival: 100%

    • Between 21 and 8 days before arrival: 50 %

    • More than 3 weeks before arrival: €25.00

    (*) groups = Every booking of 3 or more rooms.

  • Yes. Please contact us for custom rates.

  • Yes. Guests can choose between a Thai or Western breakfast including pastries, yogurt, fruit, orange juice, etc.

  • Udon Thani International Airport is located 40 minutes away from the hotel. Contact us for the free airport shuttle service.

  • It takes 30 minutes to reach the city, where you will find Central Udon, a popular shopping mall.


If you have any queries, feel free to contact us.